
Lean Expert

Training programme certified by the ICG Group. You’ll find here complete comprehensive knowledge of Lean techniques for streamlining production processes.

We’ll teach you to apply Lean effectively in details, process relations and in your business strategy. We’ll find or boost your motivation for your own Lean implementation. You will use your head, hands and heart. We’ll teach you the theory, we’ll capture your attention with examples from our own specialist consultation work, and we’ll involve you in learning workshops in host factories.

Training Modules

Total length 10 training days

1. Lean Value Stream Expert

LEAN principles, value analysis, VSM, VSD

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2. Lean Flow Expert

SMED, PPS, TPM, barriers to smooth streaming

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3. Lean Pull Expert

Kanban, Milk Run, JIS, JIT, ergonomics at the workplace, Lean in internal logistics

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4. Lean Design Expert

Methodological approach to address the identified opportunity. 10 Strategies for Applying Your Leaner Future.

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Lean Expert Photos

Reduced price

1 720 EUR + VAT / participant

A reduced price compared to the sum of the individual prices of 4 x 490 EUR + VAT.
The prices do not include travel costs and accommodation at the place of training.
Trainings can always be taken individually or as a whole.


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