One of the most confusing terms associated with someone saying “I’m using Six Sigma” has to do with what methodology they are actually using. A majority of the time Black Belts are using the DMAIC methodology, because they improve existing processes. The remaining minority of Six Sigma practitioners are using a Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) approach to design a new processes or product for Six Sigma quality.

What Is DMAIC?

When most people refer to Six Sigma, they are in fact referring to the DMAIC methodology. The DMAIC methodology should be used when process is in existence at your company but is not meeting customer specification or is not performing adequately.

The DMAIC methodology is defined as comprising of the following five phases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. 5 step approach contains specific tools.

What Is DFSS?

DFSS is the acronym for Design For Six Sigma. Unlike the DMAIC methodology, the phases or steps of DFSS are not universally recognized or defined. DFSS is more of an approach than a defined methodology.

One popular Design for Six Sigma methodology is called DMADV. The five phases of DMADV are defined as: Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify.

Define the project goals and customer (internal and external) requirements.
Measure and determine customer needs and specifications; benchmark competitors and industry.
Analyze the process options to meet the customer needs.
Design (detailed) the process to meet the customer needs.
Verify the design performance and ability to meet customer needs.

If you are interested in DFSS, attend our training Design for Six Sigma Training – Process Design. During 3 day course, the participants will learn to design new processes using the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) methodology, to set the scope for a newly created process, to identify key customers and efficient methods for finding out their needs. Great attention is paid to the detailed analysis of collected customer requirements for new processes and their subsequent implementation.

Source: iSixSigma, Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) Versus DMAIC