TRIZ is a unique method which guides engineers to understand and solve their problems by accessing scientific knowledge. TRIZ helps us find relevant and practical answers to our real problems.

TRIZ is the only solution toolkit that offers engineers help beyond brainstorming. There are wonderful toolkits for understanding problems, with analysis processes for capturing the requirements, analysing the systems, looking at processes and pinpointing actual causes of problems. There are also many toolkits for the time after problem solving occurred, including processes for selecting solutions and developing them, with useful ways of evaluating and predicting costs.

The main advantage is therefore an approach that instead of looking for smaller, more conservative changes offers radically innovative change.

Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and hope for different results. He also said “If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it” which is very aligned to TRIZ thinking using the Ideal Solution which helps to shoot us away from our comfortable problem definition and solution places and suggest new definitions for the problem and different solutions far from our previous positions. If a solution is wild and wacky we should not instantly reject it – but look for the good and the benefits it delivers. Negativity or psychological inertia will help us reject new ideas and suppress innovation – TRIZ offers tools to combat these.

Who uses TRIZ?

TRIZ is a methodology used by companies such as NASA, Siemens, General Motors, Procter and Gamble, Schneider Electric and many others. The method can be applied in every industry and in every branch of service.

Source: KAREN GADD, TRIZ for Engineers: Enabling Inventive Problem Solving